Saturday, February 20, 2010

More Good News

It's been a slow week on the blog as I (Bobbie) am in D.C. visiting Nick, so the usual update train isn't on track. Also, unlike previous weeks when he was at the hospital every day, Jack only had to go to the hospital for treatments on Tuesday and Friday, so there weren't too many new items to report.

So here we have another update from Lia:

Mom & Dad had some alarmingly good news yesterday, Friday the 19th of Feb at Peachtree Fayetteville hospital. Dad's kidney numbers are now down to 2!! so he can start chemo again!! They may even have been lower if we knew the juice he was drinking had potassium in it -- we would not have given it to him. No more prune juice for you!

In addition his rash is gone. It had been a side effect of the pain med, an all over burning rash, like fire ants. Gone!!

And the bone building steroids will now start regenerating his bones. And he had a boost to his confidence. He was able to walk down four flights of stairs. He reported to me he did that during a fire drill they had at the hospital: That he was strong enough to walk down four flights of stairs..and even went outside in his slippers. (read slippahs).

I also talked with Jeannie yesterday and she told me it was a very good week as well. The weather is finally becoming a bit spring-like in Fayetteville which helps to improve everyone's mood. As Lia said, next week should bring reports of the chemo treatments.

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