Saturday, March 27, 2010

maintaining a positive attitude

27 mar 10
an important hurdle crossed, full chemo treatment a success- cancer flushed from marrow, kidneys remain in normal range and anemia abating.
"Maintain a positive attitude" is easy to say but requires a plan or else everyone would be happy and healthier.
We are confronted with negative events from all directions at inopportune times. Work hard to not consider any that are not in your control nor realitively insignificant. Reject the temptation to solve a problem or prove you were correct in anticipating that would happen. Deal only with those which only affect your well being and then let it go.
You now have more aptitude and capacity to gain humor, joy and happiness from the good events that come your way. Let them in and more will follow.


  1. Apparently my golf score is not in my control and anticipating anything reasonable would not be correct. The only thing I do know for sure is that when you get better, I still get strokes, don't try to use your illness to take strokes from me, I still stink.

  2. It is so difficult to "let it go" when you want to control the outcome of something you cannot control. I found a silly movement ... palms up and hands in front ... then pulse the hands up and down and say/think "lighten up!" It was a symbol I used with a freind of mine ... she would sometimes signel it to me if I started to go into the control spiril. We'd laugh and I'd "lighten up". It still (usually) works for me.

  3. It is so difficult to "let it go" when you want to control the outcome of something you cannot control. I found a silly movement ... palms up and hands in front ... then pulse the hands up and down and say/think "lighten up!" It was a symbol I used with a friend of mine ... she would sometimes signal it to me if I started to go into the control spiral. We'd laugh and I'd "lighten up". It still (usually) works for me.
